Sunday, September 4, 2016

Back in Action

Hey Sweeties!!!

Yes, it has been a LONG TIME COMING!!!!!! I am back in action. Oh how I have miss this part of me. Work has been the reason. I have a very unusual and demanding job that keeps me on my toes all day so by the time I get home I am dog tired!!! Somehow I keep reminding myself of what I have put on the back burner and what I need to get back to. My main squeeze, my wifey its you FASHION!!! I love you; always have and always will! I have an unconditional love for fashion. It has been with me for so long. I should have never steered away from you. Please forgive me! I am so sorry! So I know the Summer is ending and we are about to go into the Fall Season...yay!!! So I thought I would introduce the transition by wearing this number. Man I fell in Love with this skirt as soon as I saw it. This is not a plus sized skirt. However, what helps is the elastic band in the back of the skirt. So I was able to get it over the big caboose in the back. The colors in the skirt works well in the Summer and Fall season so you will definitely will be seeing it again.  Please stay with me while I get back in the swing of things. I want this to become second nature to me so I know I need to get back in it and work hard at bringing you all the latest and the most fashionable from ViVi Style & Image! xoxo