Now this blog will be a little bit of truth along with details on the outfit itself. When I was editing the pictures for this particular post I looked at the chalk drawing on the sidewalk and read the words drawn out. Words like
Love Life Free and Hope these are words that I still hold dear to my heart. Looking at turning 31 in 8 days I often wonder am I missing out truly on life and will I ever really experience love like a woman should. Freedom is something I believe I have had since I begin thinking for myself and not letting others tell me how to think. I am not held in bondage by others or society on how a Black woman should act and what we should think to gain attention from the wrong crowds. Like I've said before I march to the beat of my own drum. I believe I lived a great life so far but as I get older my urge to get out and just do has died down. I need to add that extra POP back in my life like I did in this outfit. I need to spice up my life just a tad bit. I vow to get out and just do even if it is by myself. Dressing up and getting out into the world is my mission. I will not grow old with a full closet of clothes with nowhere to go. I also be DAMNED if I have 20 cats running around me as I have been told lol (INSIDER). Being a 30+ woman the dating game is dry and I know half of that is my fault. I plan on changing that as well. I will just get an English Bull Dog to call my hubby! I kid, I still want one though. Hope you enjoy the read! Until next time xoxox!
Putting this outfit together I was not sure what shoes to wear. Just adding this Wet n' Wild lipstick made the shoes POP even better. Top (Bodysuit): Forever21 Skirt: Asos Shoes: RackRoomShoes Earrings: @stackedapparel Necklace: Forever 21 and Belt: eBay.
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